16 Jun


Our audience of mortgage industry professionals lacked a centralized resource to access MGIC's extensive collection of business-boosting tools and insights, which were scattered across multiple channels. 


  • Create a single-source content hub providing easy access to up-to-date information, tools, and insights for mortgage industry professionals.
  • Empower target audiences with timely insights and practical tools, enhancing their ability to adapt to market changes, grow their businesses, and better serve clients.


• Conducted market research to validate need
• Developed comprehensive strategy for one-stop digital platform
• Curated diverse content across key industry categories
• Implemented user-friendly interface with advanced sorting
• Launched multichannel marketing campaign

My role included:

• Led research and development strategy
• Co-authored content approach, UX, and architecture
• Collaborated on design and functionality requirements
• Oversaw branding and creative execution
• Led hub rollout and ongoing marketing promotions


• Launched with 100+ resources across 8 categories
• Within 3 months:
     • 48% growth in website traffic
     • 24% increase in subscribers
• Implemented monthly content updates and email alerts

This project showcases my ability to identify strategic opportunities, lead complex digital initiatives, and deliver significant business impact through innovative content marketing solutions.

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